
Business Development

We provide know-how to promote business development through collaboration between industrial and communication technologies (BizDev = Business Development). We will also explain how to identify issues from overseas trends, how to create a learning organization, incentive design for engineers, intellectual property rights, specific methods of technology marketing, how to utilize management theories and frameworks, and finance as typified by CVC (Corporate Venture Capital). We also plan to explain about finance, as represented by CVC (Corporate Venture Capital).

TDK Successfully Develops All-Solid-State Battery Material with Energy Density 100 Times Greater

Electronic components manufacturer TDK announced on June 17 that it has succeeded in developing materials for a revolutionary all-solid-state battery with an energy density that is approximately 100 times greater than that of conventional products, with an energy density of 1000 watt-hours per liter, making it ideal for devices such as wireless earphones and smart watches...

ETSI reports on use cases for terahertz bands, including "in-flight and on-train entertainment" and "cooperative mobile robots.

On April 5, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) released two reports on the development and availability of 6G technology...

List of items to consider in business development

This page provides a table of contents for the business development category of TeleGraphic. We plan to publish detailed explanatory articles on the various items listed below, but there is a possibility that large "chapters" themselves will be added or modified...