Kyocera's Technology Development Strategy and R&D Structure

XGMF-ODAIBA IX (Industrial Transformation) Core will hold its second TeleGraphic WorkShop on Thursday, September 19, at the Innovation Square in the Kyocera Minatomirai Research Center (3-7-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama). INNOVATION SQUARE, Kyocera Minatomirai Research Center (3-7-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama), on Thursday, September 19. The Kyocera Minato Mirai Research Center is a core research center for systems-related research where Kyocera's R&D divisions in energy, information, telecommunications, automotive, and other fields are concentrated. The day will feature a presentation led by Mr. Shoichi Nakagawa, General Manager of Kyocera's R&D Division, and we hope to provide an opportunity for collaboration with visitors. We look forward to your participation.

Posted on 2024/09/13

Outline of the event

Event Name
XGMF ODAIBA IX (Industrial Transformation) Core
Workshop on the Integration of Advanced Industrial Technology and Advanced Telecommunications Technology (IX) (Vol. 2)
Kyocera's Industrial Technology and R&D Structure / 5G Business Initiatives
TeleGraphic WorkShop/Industrial & Communication Engineers Talk
Date & Time
Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 15:00 to 17:00 (fully open) and from 17:00 (for XGMF member companies only)
Participation and Venue
(all free of charge)
Local (in Japanese)Kyocera Minatomirai Research Center INNOVATION SQUARE (5-minute walk from Minatomirai Station on the Tokyu Minatomirai Line) for the event.If you wish to participate, please click here.The event will be held from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Also, please join us for a Zoom webinar (Webinar) from 15:00 to 17:00.If you would like to participate, please click here.
XGMFODAIBA IX (Industrial Transformation) Core

timetable (Titles omitted)

Part 1: Presentation / Kyocera R&D

Opening Remarks
ODAIBA IX Core Leader
Gota Iwanami (Representative Director, Infocity Corporation)
Session1 (Session 1: Dialogue)

Kyocera's Technology Development Strategy and R&D Structure
Shoichi Nakagawa, Executive Officer and General Manager of R&D Headquarters, Kyocera Corporation, and Takehiro Nakamura, ODAIBA IX Core Leader (CSO, NTT DoCoMo, Inc.)

The Kyocera Minatomirai Research Center is a core research center for systems-related research that brings together Kyocera's research and development divisions in energy, information, communications, automotive, and other fields. In recent years, technological innovation has progressed in various fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and automated driving. The Kyocera Minatomirai Research Center has established an integrated R&D system from the materials level to the service level in such technological innovation fields. We will discuss trends in each research field, management of researchers, and collaboration with the telecommunications industry.

Shoichi Nakagawa

Shoichi Nakagawa (Executive Officer and General Manager, Research and Development Division, Kyocera Corporation)
He joined Kyocera Corporation in 1988. Engaged in ceramics-related development, he has been working on fuel cell development and commercialization since 2011, and has been in charge of the General Research Laboratory in 2016, the Advanced Materials and Devices Laboratory in 2019, and the Research and Development Division since April 2021.

Session2 (Session 2)

Local 5G System Deployment Experience and Efforts in High-Precision Positioning Technology
Kazuya Kiga
Deputy General Manager, Network Technology Development Department, Technology Development Center, Kyocera Communication Systems Corporation

Kazuya Kiga

Since joining the company, he has been engaged in various construction and replacement projects as an infrastructure engineer, including network construction, mail systems, and corporate portals, etc. In 2019, he will participate in the launch of the local 5G business, and through the local 5G development demonstration by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for 2021-4 years, he will promote the local 5G introduction until the commercial introduction of 5G. He has been promoting the local 5G project from 2021 to 2021. Recently, he has been working on high-precision positioning technology with the theme of adding new value to the network.

Session3 (Session 3)

Results of various local 5G demonstration experiments
Toru Tsurumochi
Deputy General Manager, Sales Management Department, Kyocera Mirai Envision Inc.

Toru Tsurumochi

Since 2005, he has been providing wireless infrastructure services for the Kyocera Group, focusing on operations for telecommunications carriers. He plans to offer many insights gained from his experience in launching various local 5G projects.


Part 2: Discussion & Brainstorming / How to Accelerate Millimeter Wave (28 GHz) Penetration

(Note: The second part is open only to XGMF member companies and Kyocera employees, but non-member companies who intend to join XGMF in the future may also participate. Please consult with the receptionist at the venue)

Discussion & Brainstorming
Based on the experience with local 5G (Sub6) social implementation in Part 1, several technical and social implementation challenges can be expected when "updating" it to millimeter wave. In addition, business models unique to millimeter wave may emerge rapidly. Discussion and brainstorming will be held on such various "possibilities" for millimeter-wave deployment.
Moderator: Mr. Takehiro Nakamura, Leader (NTT DOCOMO) and Kyocera
Social gathering
After the discussion in the COMPASS discussion space in INNOVATION SQUARE, a reception will be held in the adjacent free space DECK (membership fee required).
Termination & Dismissal

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