
Denso signs license agreement with Ceres, a British fuel cell manufacturer.

On August 6, Denso Corporation announced that it has signed a manufacturing license agreement with Ceres Power Holdings of the UK, a leading company in solid oxide cell stack technology. The two companies have been working together to develop a Solid Oxide Water Electrolyzer (Solid Oxid...


Posted on 2024/08/30

On August 6, Denso Corporation announced that it has signed a manufacturing license agreement with Ceres Power Holdings of the UK, a leading company in solid oxide cell stack technology. The two companies aim for early commercialization of the Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC), which produces hydrogen by electrolysis of water.

Ceres Power Holdings is a fuel cell technology company established in 2001 as a spin-out from Imperial College London, UK. The company possesses proprietary solid oxide technology that combines metals and ceramics, and has formed strategic partnerships with Bosch of Germany and Doosan, a major Korean fuel cell company.

The cell stack is one of the components of the SOEC and is responsible for separating water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen. Denso is aiming for early commercialization of SOECs by combining its advanced ceramic technologies cultivated in the automotive field with Ceres' technologies to mass-produce high-quality cell stacks and to add system technologies such as thermal management and control.

SOEC is a device that operates at high temperatures using ceramic membranes as electrolytes to electrolyze water vapor to produce hydrogen. It is characterized by the fact that less electrical energy is required for electrolysis than other hydrogen production technologies such as alkaline water electrolysis and PEM-type water electrolysis.


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