Reports from the field of industrial technology and state-of-the-art telecommunications technology

The XGMF Workshop on Promoting Millimeter Wave Development has been upgraded to XGMF-ODAIBA IX Core and will start new activities. In this workshop, we will explain the activity policy of the XGMF and ODAIBA IX Core and hear reports from member companies who have been active as members in the field related to 5G/local 5G/millimeter wave development.

Posted on 2024/08/19

Outline of the event

Event Name
Workshop on the Integration of Advanced Industrial Technology and Advanced Telecommunications Technology (IX) Vol. 8
Reports from the field of industrial technology and state-of-the-art telecommunications technology
TeleGraphic WorkShop/Industrial & Communication Engineers Talk
Date & Time
Thursday, August 22, 2024, 15:00-17:30 (Registration starts at 14:30)
Participation and Venue
(all free of charge)
Local (in Japanese)docomo R&D OPEN LAB ODAIBA(Tokyo Teleport Station, 3 min. walk) to the event.If you wish to participate, please click here.(first 100 people) and a Zoom webinar to be held at the same time (webinar).If you would like to participate, please click here.

timetable (Titles omitted)

Opening Remarks
XGMF Secretariat
Yoshinori Omura
ODAIBA IX Core Introduction
Takehiro NakamuraODAIBA IX Core Reader

Fujikura's Technology Development Strategy and Millimeter Wave Technology
Tatsuya Banno
Director and CTO, Fujikura Ltd.

Fujikura is a company with a long history of nearly 140 years since its establishment. Starting with electric wires, we have developed our business and products in a wide range of fields, including telecommunications, energy, electronics, and automobiles, centering on optical fibers. In the 2025 Mid-Term Management Plan, Fujikura will identify technological fields to be addressed, design technologies necessary to develop new products, processing and assembly technologies, and manufacturing technologies. In the 2025 Mid-Term Management Plan, we are working on R&D themes for the future by creating a "technology platform" that organizes core technologies, which consist of design, processing, assembly, and manufacturing technologies required to develop new products, and fundamental technologies to be utilized as common technologies. Among these, we have established three important R&D themes: "next-generation optical communications," "next-generation energy," and "millimeter-wave applications. In my presentation, I will introduce the history of millimeter wave technology development, which is one of these important themes, and outline two products we have developed: 28GHz antenna modules and 60GHz communication modules. Finally, I will also talk about our joint demonstration experiment of low latency and high capacity transmission using our 60GHz communication module.
Tatsuya Sakano

Since joining Fujikura in 1987, he has been consistently involved in the development, technology, and manufacturing technology related to optical cables, and has abundant experience in Fujikura's optical-related business as well as advanced expertise in optical fibers. From April 2022, as Director and CTO, he will be in charge of the New Business Creation, R&D, and Quality Control Divisions, and will be responsible for planning and executing Fujikura's management and business strategies.

Session2 (Session 2)

Sony's initiative for 5G Technology and Use case
Nobuyuki Toyoda
Senior Software Engineer, Communication Systems Development Department, Wireless Communication Systems Engineering Division, Technology Center, Sony Corporation

Four years have passed since the start of 5G commercial services in Japan, and services based on 5G, or SA (Stand Alone), including the core network, have also begun. At Sony, our activities are centered on "getting closer to people" (creators and users) and creating and delivering "excitement" under our management direction of "Creation Shift. As one of the means to realize these goals, Sony is working on the utilization of 5G. In this presentation, we will show how we realize the "Creation Shift" with 5G and how we are "getting closer to people" through use cases and solutions including devices and millimeter waves.
Shuyuki Toyoda

After graduating from university, he worked for a major telecommunications equipment manufacturer on projects related to cell phone base stations and 5G demonstration tests.In 2018, he joined Sony Mobile Communications (now Sony Corporation). Currently, he is applying his expertise in baseband signal processing for telecommunications to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that integrate Sony's products and services with mobile communications, with the aim of opening up new areas of value creation.

Session3 (Session 3)

Current and Future Development of 5G Technology at Fujitsu
Hiroyuki Seki
General Manager, Product Planning & Management Department, Mobile Systems Division, Fujitsu Limited

In this presentation, we will first explain the direction of network technology, one of Fujitsu's priority technology areas, and the overall picture of Open RAN technology that Fujitsu is working on for 5G. Next, the latest developments in beamforming and high-frequency device technologies, which are key technologies for radio base station (RU) equipment, will be presented as examples of Open RAN technologies. Finally, we will introduce our efforts to develop integrated modularized RUs for the purpose of developing compact and power-saving next-generation millimeter wave RUs, and show that enabling high-speed and high-capacity characteristics of 5G millimeter wave with Wi-Fi-like ease of installation will reduce TCO per throughput and be effective in promoting the spread of millimeter wave. This will reduce the TCO per throughput and promote the spread of millimeter wave.
Hiroyuki Seki

Since joining Fujitsu Laboratories in 1992, he has been engaged in research and development of wireless communication, antenna and radio propagation technologies related to mobile communications from 3G to 5G. 1999, he moved to the U.S. as a visiting researcher, specializing in research on smart antennas at Stanford University. 2015, he graduated from Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Communications Engineering (Ph. D., Department of Communications Engineering, Tohoku University; IEEE Senior Member, September 2011; IEICE Senior Member, May 2012; IEEE VTC2012-Fall, Best Paper Award, September 2012; Kanto Region Commendation for Invention, Tochigi Prefecture Invention Association Chairman Award, November 2017.

Session4 (Session 4)

The Promise of FR2 *Video presentation
Roger Nichols
Keysight Technologies 6G Program Manager

For the past two years, the wireless industry has been critical of 5G FR2. Millimeter wave communications, once seen as a promising means of delivering ultra-fast and secure data rates, has had only limited success in the marketplace at this point, and some have called it a "failure. Some problems are real (high cost, absence of a clear "killer app," technical challenges in link management), and some criticism from the same journals and journalists that initially over-hyped 5G FR2: SMS, MIMO, the 1800/1900 MHz band, and even Like many other mobile wireless technologies, such as digital packet radio, the initial implementation of FR2 did not match the hype five years ago. However, we are actually seeing a different picture, with the exploration of new use cases including sensing and high-capacity industrial and entertainment applications, better link management standards, the introduction of AI, and the continued decline in component costs. There is also significant pressure on spectrum resources. This talk will discuss opportunities to make the most of this spectrum and the latest technologies. It will also cover some examples of how design and measurements have evolved to productively advance the second phase of 5G millimeter wave.
Roger Nichols

He has 39 years of engineering and management experience at Hewlett-Packard, Agilent, and Keysight in R&D, marketing, and manufacturing. He is an expert in mobile wireless communications design and measurement technologies.
He has experience with all five previous generations of mobile wireless technology and has led KeySight's 6G program since its inception in 2019; he is a member of the FCC Technical Advisory Committee and is also KeySight's Director of Strategy for Wireless Standards.

Session5 (Session 5)

Local 5G Railroad Applications and Their Future
Mitsunori Nakamura
Deputy General Manager, Information & Telecommunications Management Department, Information & Telecommunications Division (Regional BWA Promotion Council), Hanshin Electric Railway Co.

Local 5G started with great expectations, but even after four years, it has not yet entered the diffusion phase. However, the problems of local 5G equipment and terminal costs and options are gradually being resolved, and the licensing system is being revised for flexible operation. On the other hand, local 5G operation on long and narrow self-owned land such as roads is still restricted due to the problem of signal leakage to other land. We have been working on demonstration experiments and verification aiming for local 5G utilization on all railroad lines from FY2021, and now that we have some sense of direction, including future institutional arrangements, we would like to briefly introduce the future toward its realization.
Mitsunori Nakamura

After graduating from university, he worked for IHI Space Development Division and then for TV stations and other media-related companies. 2006, he joined Fujikura and has been involved in the regional wireless industry since the beginning of the BWA institutionalization discussion. After the regional WiMAX era, he led the regional BWA advancement (4G/LTE) in 2013, and moved to Hanshin Electric Railway in 2016, contributing to the company's regional BWA business.
Since 2018, he has been actively involved in discussions on the introduction, advancement, and institutionalization of local 5G as a member of the Local 5G Study Working Group, the Over-the-air Utilization Study Working Group, and the Technical Study Working Group of the New Generation Mobile Communications Systems Committee. Since 2018, he has been actively involved in discussions on the introduction, advancement, and institutionalization of local 5G as a member of the New Generation Mobile Communications Systems Committee.

Moderator: Takehiro Nakamura
Panelists: Speaker, Leader Iwanami, Sub-leader Shirota
Closing Section

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