Millimeter Wave Related News

University of Glasgow Develops World's First 60 GHz Millimeter Wave Antenna to Expand 6G Potential

The world's first antenna operating in the 60 GHz (millimeter wave) band has been developed by a research team at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, the team announced on April 12. The groundbreaking technology opens up the possibility of future ultra-high-speed, software-controlled 6G networks....


Posted on 2024/04/25

The world's first antenna operating in the 60 GHz (millimeter wave) band has been developed by a research team at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, the team announced on April 12. The team said that this is a breakthrough technology that opens up the possibility of ultra-high-speed, software-controlled 6G networks in the future.

A research team from the James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow has developed a prototype Dynamic Metasurface Antenna (DMA) that combines the unique properties of metamaterials with advanced signal processing techniques. The antenna operates in the 60 GHz band, which is reserved by international law for industrial, scientific, and medical applications. Future use cases could include patient monitoring, integrated sensing, high-resolution radar, holographic imaging, and autonomous vehicles.

Professor Qammer H. Abbasi of the research team commented, "In recent years, DMA has been demonstrated in the microwave band by researchers around the world, but our prototype will take the technology to 60 GHz in the millimeter wave band," he said. This could be a very valuable stepping stone toward new use cases for 6G technology and could pave the way for further high-frequency operation in the terahertz band.


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